By Mary Teachout, Data Analyst, and Reed Block, Data Analyst


MDT has exciting new options to offer when it comes to ARCU add-on products! In addition to Third-Party Loan Integration, make the most of your data with features including an additional environment for testing or backups, connections to other data sources such as Synapsys, and Peer Data integration.

ARCU Third-Party Loan Integration™ combines loan data stored in other processing systems with the Symitar loan data stored in ARCU offering a comprehensive view of your credit union’s loans. The nightly ARCU transform-and-load process combines this information with Symitar loan data to provide clients with a central data repository for viewing crucial business drivers and making fact-based decisions. Certified vendors include LoanStreet and FICS. Pricing sheets are currently available.

ARCU Peer Data gives credit unions the ability to download National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Call Report Data files, which are then imported into ARCU. This data is displayed in reports that compare the financial institution’s performance to its peer group’s performance to offer a broad picture of the institution’s position. We are currently working on this with our Beta client. Pricing sheets will be updated upon completion of the Beta implementation.

An ARCU Second Instance allows your credit union to test new things, including custom-built queries, break fixes, and even ARCU upgrades before implementing them in your live environment. This second instance also gives your credit union an added layer of security if something were to happen to your live environment. Contact your CRM for pricing.

An ARCU connection to Synapsys would give you an even better picture of your member from a sales and service perspective. Integrating Synapsys into ARCU will capture things like sales events, service events, and other member-specific information in their account that would not be found in Symitar. This can help identify trends and help your team track member interactions. We are working with Jack Henry to set this up for our first client. Pricing sheets will be updated upon completion of the implementation.

If you are curious about any of these products and want more information, reach out to your CRM or submit a ticket to MDT Data Analytics. You can also learn more at the upcoming MDT E3 Conference where Mary Teachout and Reed Block will be representing the Data Analytics team in a session about how to better leverage all of your credit union’s data.